Finally again ... the shows over , this events had been putting quite numbers of us into a pressure mood. Waiting for this days to come , waiting for this days to participate , waiting for this days to enjoy , not to even wans this event to be over , but i'll sure the people who participated in this events will be planning for coming Robotcon in 2008 , and i'm sure will be a even better compare to this one.
This 3 days , all of us definately and absolutely having fun , running around the whole Cineleisure , and the most happy part for then transmy fan member is to see own toys being display on the shelf , proudly to say that. and for me, i think i'm the one who display the most less toys... wahahahaha , jus 3 figure i bought from the Transformers movie. Not to mention the most busy man is definately Mike's . i think he is even too busy being interviewd by more than 8 press or even from magazine , not to mentione later will be interview by Channel V .
The final day everyone was tired , but wat we can say ..... yeaaaa, we did it , finally.
Some highlights photos taken during the Robotcon :
This is one of the cool NIke Transformers ... i wan , i wan .........
Transformers from the coming movie decepticons (above) and Autobots ( below )
New Dynasty Lead by new Prime , would you Prefer a Prime girl ( ablove) or Prime Kids (below) . By the way, the prime gal i think some of you might have known who's she.
being interviewd , was told my hand was darn shaky ...yeaa, u r damn right man. just try to be cool.
Auctions were held during the saturday n sunday , many crazy fans exciting biding for their love's figure. Talking about crazy fans, yeaa.. i did managed to get my Dinobots Grimlock for Rm150 , which i had been looking for it for the past 15 years
Iongsik (above) and Mark ( below ) went on stage for the battle of who can transformed the fastest . HHMMmmmm ... don know if they did figure out how to do it , i think the kids beat them .
where is your transformer car???
hehe.... coming soon next blog :D
this yk looks like his posing for some model shooting. hahahahaha
well done!! :)
well, he's look more in a kid's model laa... infact he was so desparate picking up the robot until the Emcee had to yell at him for being naughty.. wahahahaha
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