Garlic ginger steam fish
hainanese chicken
Hakka steam Yam/pork
Nano Lobsters
Joey : " Although not my year , but still ... HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to everyone "
is so complicated sometimes , was it of the AP , or jus cant face the truth about ....
Garlic ginger steam fish
hainanese chicken
Hakka steam Yam/pork
Nano Lobsters
Joey : " Although not my year , but still ... HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to everyone "
"A problem with a solution needs a decision.But how do we make the important decision in our life?
Usually we try to get someone else to make the difficult decisions for us. That's why, if it goes wrong ,we're got someone to blame. Some of my friends try to trick me into making decisions for them, but i won't. All i will do is show them how they can make wise desicions by themselves.
when we come to the crossroads and we are unsure what direction to take, we should pull over to the side, have a break and wait for a bus. Soon, usually whne we are not expecting it, a bus arrives. On the front of a public bus is a sign in big bold letters indicating where the bus is going. If that destinations suits you, then take that bus. If not ,wait. There's always another bus behind.
In other words ,when we have to make a decision and are unsure what that decision shold be. we need to pull over to the side, have a break and wait. Soon, usually when we are not expecting it, a solution will come. Every solution has its own destination. If that destinations suits us, then we take that solution. If not, we wait. There's always another solution to coming behind.
That's how i make my decisions. gather all the information and wait for the solution.A good one will always come, as long as patient, it usually arrives unexpectedly, when not thinking about it."
i'm impress of what soonyean had done and contributed some write-up about the AP members. i mean is kinda tired to explain again what's really AP means, in short, Attitude Problem. and why AP , quoted by Soonyean
" We have attitude problem by choice which means we do it under control and in full concious "
However , with those AP-ians around at the community , what does it help ??? the answer is.. nothin much. Therefore ,you cant jus letting those guys running at the streets, and therefore APCC is established. known as Attitude Problem Correction Centre. a place were given a chance to correct their attitude ??? or to make it worst.. .. watever.
we need someone to run that place ..someone who is capable , someone who really contribute,
he must have the following criteria :
1. someone who can handle stuff till way up high
2. someone who can handle the pressure all time deep down.
3. some one who is clean, not playing dirty .
4.someone who really got support from the community.
after few selection among all the AP-ians , We are proud to present you our new APCC's CEO - AP - SOONYEAN.
i'm sure this will convince all of you to vote for him as CEO , i'm sure no objection from the floor , and no rights to object also... shut-up.
No one can fly a plane way high like him or perhaps jus sit in a plane-- " thumbs up"
No worries , we checked him already... is all clean.
The most important things is .........
he had a bloody big supporters
is my honor given the chance to do some write-up about my CEO.
to view the rest of the -AP- members , please visit our CEO blog at :
shirely-san , Ogawa's mom ,Ong-san , Sue Kim-san , Ogawa desu , Moon-san , Emily-san , Nicholas-san aka Dorobo san
Me , Ogawa's brother Osamu , Ogawa's Aunt , Cody-san
seafood dinner --- Suekim-san , Nicholas-san , Ong-san
Kathan-san ,Ogawa desu , cheehow-san