Thursday, April 01, 2010

She's my baby

What can a guy in love with besides than her wife and family ......
i got my wife family ... my coming baby to be.... :P

while i was walking at my back yard... saw this babe... and fall in love with her ......

we went for a ride ... we had a great time .... we were really fall in love....

ok , since i have 6 of them ... is about time management.... monday , tuesday ,wednesday , thrsday , friday , saturday.........

and ur are definately sunday .......i don know how and i don know when... but your mine
baby..... :).

Oppss ... too early to dream now .... wakeup wakeup....... :P . but like they say , if only you dream.
Law of Attraction.

1 comment:

UnkaLeong said...

Can I hitch a ride in your baby when you get it?